I spent weeks grinding for Operation Winter. However, when I stomp the entire enemy team and crush them so utterly I can hear the lamentations of their mothers, I feel satisfaction. This game routinely pisses me off and makes me rage.
My GF asked me if I was 'having fun' playing War Thunder, and I looked at her like she was a fucking retard to even consider that sentence a valid question. 20 years ago there were tons of games that required brainpower because PC gaming back then was by nerds and for nerds, but then the corporate suits took over and were like 'broaden the appeal to we can make more sales' so everything got dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. The art of gaming is simply dead for big brains. FPS games are like playing Pong on high speed. Instead of just being based purely on twitch 'skills' which require as much intellectual ability as closing popup spam windows, in War Thunder you have to use at least some tactics and strategy.
War Thunder is basically the intellectual version of the FPS games that all the stupid children and mongoloid brains play. It's not that the game is addicting, it's just that there are no decent alternatives.